Monday 17 August 2015

Android vs. iPhone vs. Nokia Lumia- Which Is the Best

Android vs. iPhone vs. Nokia Lumia- Which Is the Best
Here we will be checking out that which is the best- Android vs. iPhone vs. Nokia Lumia? Just get to know in detail the speciality of the phones of this Android vs. iPhone vs. Nokia Lumia:
Android Overview Details
It is this Android phone that has been this touchscreen smartphone. It comes with a Linux-based Google developed kind of Android operating system. You can just easily customize this Android operating system. It was by mid-2013 that the number of apps that have been available for Android phones just crossed the 800,000 mark. Its digital application distribution platform is Google Play. It is seen that the number of applications that have been downloaded from Google Play has just crossed the 25 billion mark. Android is the world's leading smartphone platform. It is best for individual users that require an operating system which is just lightweight. Its operating system had been primarily designed for tablets. Android's share in global smartphone market is 64 percent in March 2013.  Its user interface has been based on direct manipulation. It is these Gyroscopes and also proximity sensors, and also accelerometers that have been marked as the famous internal hardware components. It is these Android apps that run in a sandbox, it just lessens the impact of bugs in apps.
iPhone Overview Details
It is this iPhone that has been using touchscreen just as the primary user interface. Its sixth generation iPhone 5, was actually released on September 21, 2012. It has these prominent features like that of a  multitouch screen, it has aa virtual keyboard, and it has also a cellular and also Wi-Fi connectivity. It is this iPhone that lets you to photos, play audio and video, send and receive emails. It has this proximity sensor, it too comes with ambient light sensor, and also accelerometer. Its App Store has so far featured more than 775,000 apps. It is these six generations that have been accompanied by a iOS release. Its first generation has a GSM phone, the iPhone 3G has 3G cellular network. The iPhone 4 has"retina display, The iPhone 4S had a dual-core processor, iPhone 5 had a new A6 processor.

Nokia Lumia Overview Details
They just debuted in 2011, it is this Nokia Lumia that has been marked as a series of touch-based Windows Phone 7 and also for Windows Phone 8 smartphones. It was their first four devices that ran the Windows Phone 7 operating system. It was this Nokia Lumia 800 that was actually the first smartphone by Nokia that comes with a Windows Phone 7 operating system. Nokia Lumia 710 has a weighing of 125.5 grams, it comes with a features of a removable rear cover. Nokia Lumia 900 is this high-end smartphone and Nokia Lumia 610 was also marked as an entry-level phone that has been aimed at the budget market.
So, this is all about the overview details of Android vs. iPhone vs. Nokia Lumia! Which smart phone you are using?

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