Wednesday 22 July 2015

PHD in Counseling Education

Do you know that recently at the 2nd inning of the third One Day International (ODI) match between Pakistan and Sri Lanka two groups of spectators had a clash! It is time that all of us should get PHD in Counseling Education. It was quite an annoying incident that recently took place, how literate person can do all this, we cannot think that an educated person can throw stones at each other just because of cheering up their favorite teams!
This clash made the management teams to make a pause in that match of that third One Day International (ODI). It was according to details that the clash began and it was actually started when a group of SriLankan spectators started to cheer up the Pakistani team, and it was the other group who started throwing stones at them, it was just shocking! Here we have been attaching this video in which you will be able to see that how these two groups of spectators are having clash just on this issue that why this one group has been cheering this Pakistani team. PHD in Counseling Education is the need of the time now to make it to learn all the spectators that how to behave in the cricket stadiums?
As we know that Pakistan won the last match of this 2nd inning of the third One Day International (ODI), Saniya Mirza too came to cheer up his husband. When Pakistan won, they too sent a video of their dancing and having party with other cricketers that went viral too! Pakistan has so far recorded this comprehensive 135-run victory right over SriLanka to take this 2-1 lead in the five-match of one-day international series. It is such a sorry and sad state that this group of SriLankan spectators were cheering up the Pakistani team and the other group of SriLankan spectators could not tolerate all this at that time. Later on, when the situation got out of control and they started throwing stones at each other and then the management had to pause the match for sometime.
This incident highlights all of us that there is a need of PHD in Counseling Education among all of us. We need to learn that we have the right to cheer up any team we want to! One should not at all get aggressive of just cheering up that team which any body does not like, we have this case of 2nd inning of the third One Day International (ODI) in which these two groups had this massive fight just because of this fact they were cheering different teams. If one Srilankan group is cheering Pakistani team then there is no harm, it is just a game, it is just a sport, one should not get serious that much you started throwing stones at each other. Sports is that game that truly tells us that how unity can be attained, if such kinds of incidents will be regularly taking place then we are afraid that much less and less people will be the part of cricket stadiums.

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